Thursday, February 9, 2012

365 #28 A bowl of goodness

I've been eating very unhealthily for more than two weeks. Take-outs, delivery, fast food, eating out. Most times, the food is substandard and borderline disgusting. But I still finish it because I really, really hate wasting.

This week, I decided enough was enough. I have got to cook again. So I went to a butcher who sells beautiful free range organic whole chickens, and made my favoritest White Chopped Chicken. After our dinner (which was a couple of days ago), I kept the stock that was used to cook the chicken, and stripped the leftover meat off the bones of the chicken, and stuffed everything into the fridge.

Today, my lunch took only 10 minutes to prepare, and tasted so good.

1. Boil noodles and drain when cooked
2. In separate pot, boil chicken slices in chicken stock
3. Chop spring onions while everything is boiling
4. Put everything together in bowl
5. Serve

My dipping sauce for that extra oomph:
Spring onions, Sabah Chili Padi paste, Vietnamese Salt and Pepper mixture, lime juice.

I'm so happy that I have enough stock and chicken bits for three more meals. Guess what I'll be eating the next few days?

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