Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pays-Basque: back!

We got back to Luxembourg late last night/ early this morning (3am), after a 15-hour drive. Super hubs was so tired he crashed immediately and slept for 13 hours since I wasn't a very helpful co-driver, having slept one third of the way, babbled incessantly in my made up French another one third of the way, and complained about how hungry I was/ how bad the jam was/ how horribly idiotic French drivers are/ how much I needed to pee every 30 minutes.

Which brings me to my travel advice 101 when traveling on the road to/fro Luxembourg and the South West of France.

To be able to pee comfortably, you need to:
1. Bring your own toilet paper and wet tissue.
2. Wear shorts.
3. Take along some shower gel (to wash your hands after pee, and also your feet + legs which will inevitably get sprayed with flushing water which gushes out from the squatting toilet (they only have squatting toilets) once you press 'flush', wetting the entire below-the-knee part of your legs with your pee/poo and other goodies from the disgusting floor.
4. Practice holding your breath for as long as possible especially since you will need to wait in a very long line, together with the other summer holidayers. This is optional, depending on whether or not you can stand acidic urine/ sulphur/ rotting smells.

Hmph! And people complain about Malaysian public toilets! All I can say is, give me a PLUS highway toilet ANYTIME compared to the filthy toilets I had to endure in the south west of France.

Other than my toilet misadventures, this trip was super duper wonderful which meant we hardly did anything except eat and read(me) and eat and garden(him) and eat and sleep and play with dogs and eat and sightsee a bit and eat and hang out with my in-laws and eat. We ate so much both of us put on 2kg each.

I still have tons of pics to sort out (took almost 800 in a week, and most of it food), so will blog more in the next few days. Till then, here's a tiny slice of our diet the past 8 days.

1 comment:

  1. yes yes, they have squat toilets, which made me think we aren't so the only toilet-backward country after all :DD. oh, i hate those long queues which make me hike my jeans unashamedly to stop the urge. can't wait for your photos! n i don't believe u gained 2 kgs in a week. william maybe but not glam you. btw, i've gained 1.5 kg in 3 weeks:(((((
