Monday, June 20, 2011

Light-bulb moment

With holiday season in the air, I'm upbeat and bursting with things to blog about.

Suddenly, I'm remembering the Paris and Berlin trip many moons ago with Super Mi and Kesh I'd been meaning to share. Details of my little holidays here and there with Super Boo. The time when Bryan was here. The time when Leanne was here. The time when Megat was here. The times with the Super M's. The time when the most important people in my life were here.

So I was going through my albums, and looking through all the old-ish pictures, it made me smile and slightly sad. It's such a cliche to say it, but time passes so freaking quickly. Good times, they pass. Bad times, they pass. And how often have I spent wasted good times complaining about the one and only thing that would mar the otherwise perfect experience. Like, the bad weather. Or the bad food. Or that annoying person. Or this. Or that.

Looking back at the smiles in the pictures, did I even realize that the one thing I was complaining about or focusing on didn't matter at all? So what if the food wasn't great? What's most important is that I'm eating with the people I love. So what if I didn't have enough money to buy that Lindy/ Birkin/ Jumbo flap/ Nano (the list can go on forever) I want so bad? What's most important is that I'm window shopping with someone I'd give millions to be with. So what if the weather is grey? What's most important is that we've got shiny smiles. So what if they would get on my nerves sometimes? What's important is they're here. Right here. In my life.

Today, it's cold and gloomy and grey. But in my heart, life's warm, fuzzy and gay. I am so thankful for the little snippets of clarity that come to me once in a while. Cos I've got so many good days to look forward to. And I promise I'm going to spend every single one of them counting the millions of blessings I have.

Happy Monday, and thank you for stopping by!

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