Monday, January 16, 2012

365 #7 Cheesy

The hubs loves cheese. I repeat. The hubs LOVES cheese. I repeat. The hubs loveeeees cheese. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this to properly describe how much he loves cheese. When we lived in Luxembourg, our weekly cheese supply could feed three French families for a month. He can eat 3 ENTIRE camemberts in one go. Everyone looks at him in horror when he unwraps a cheese and holds up the whole thing and eats it like cake. I, however, understand. I used to be infamous for being able to eat 3 entire four-yolk mooncakes in a day. I understand the love for decadently, disgustingly rich things and having to inhale copious amounts until you feel sick.

Anyway. Back to the matter at hand.

Other than French cheeses, the hubs also has a love affair with cheeses of the Italian variety - the mozzarella and the bufala. His idea of the perfect appetizer is 2 huge balls of mozzarella drowning in olive oil and vinaigrette, topped with black pepper and rock salt, flanked with a million slices of prosciutto di Parma. *no comment*

But since we've moved to Istanbul, he hasn't been able to indulge in his daily dose of cheese. So, I took him to what is now his favourite restaurant in Istanbul - Obika, The Mozzarella Bar to get our cheese back.

The placemat. The bar. The bread. The trio of pesto, tapenade and spicy sun dried tomato pesto. The bufala mozzarella. The classic mozzarella. The hams. 
The bill of all this together with a diet coke and coke, came up to 98 turkish liras (40 euro).
Highly recommended if in Istanbul and needing an Italian fix.
It is located on the top floor of the Kanyon Mall.

Et finalement, a very cheesy pic with hubs at the resto. Because despite my reservations about featuring him, he's been pitifully asking why there have been no pictures of him on the blog lately...


  1. I love cheese too! The food looks yummy :)

    1. :) it was great! not as good as cheese in Europe, but good enough :)

  2. You've got to be kidding me! Eating the entire camembert like cake?! 3 in one go? How does he stay so skinny? Even I have trouble eating the whole ball of mozzarella in one seating. I'm so amazed!

    1. I know. I am always amazed by how much he can put away. I ate like him for a bit and wondered why I put on weight...
