Thursday, August 4, 2011


Back from the most invigorating and awesome break ever.
So bear with me trying to relive every precious moment here as I fight nostalgia, home-sickness and delayed jet-lag.
Though right now, it's hard to write cos I'm desperately missing the world's most wonderful Super Family. 
Absence does make the heart grow fonder, doesn't it? And it takes bad times to make the sweet times sweeter. Boredom to make fulfillment fulfilled. Ying to make yang. Stress to make a break relaxed.
After all, how can it be a happy reunion if you never were sadly separated?


  1. beautiful family and photo! your mi esp looks gorgeous:D where was this? and i'm anxiously waiting for your confirmation on the opening of the restuarant. remember, we don't get discounted air tickets...

  2. heya aunty terri, this was at Spice Garden :) yummy!
    re: the rest, emailed you. :)
