Monday, January 23, 2012

365 #23 (minus 9) 恭喜发财

Hihihi. It's the first day of Chinese New Year today, and the number that's supposed to be on my 365 title isn't a very lucky number. So since I am so far away from home and have decided to compensate by sticking to improvising on tradition like a superstitious (but cool) grandmother, I changed the original and put in a bunch of very auspicious sounding numbers instead: In Cantonese, 23 sounds like 'easy to live' (易生) and 9 sounds like 'long' (久) as in long life.

Coincidentally, 23 also sounds like 'sashimi' (鱼生) and I had that for brunch today. For more luck, I also ordered a mango sashimi maki topped with peanuts because peanuts, to me, also sounds lucky and in writing, is pretty: 花生, literally meaning 'flowery life'. Then, to ensure more prosperity, I ordered some dumplings, often eaten during Chinese New Year too, because they look like gold nuggets. Phew! THAT should cover the wealth bit for me this year. But for added security, I will go look for some pineapple tomorrow, because in Cantonese, it sounds like 'wealth come' (旺来).

I also used this Chinese New Year as an excuse to shop (please ignore this post) and decked the hubs and me in new clothes from head to toe, in and out. Very bright, very prosperous-like. :))

And then, because we had to make do are modern like that, I also got my unmarried brothers and sisters to wish us all the most awesomest wishes in the world via FaceTime, and gave them their AngPows through my very Super Mummy. And tomorrow, since it is traditionally the day when the married daughters return home, we'll have another round of wishing and angpow giving. My brother and sisters are very lucky kiddos, so I have a very good feeling all their very cool wishes to us are gonna come true.

When I become a happy millionaire this year, don't say I didn't share my success secrets ah. :p


  1. I know exactly how you feel. This morning, Lil L and I had a quick skype with the rest of my family in NZ. Miss them soooo much.

  2. Wah I have never even heard of mango sashimi! And super hubby deserves some kudos, I would NOT b able to get my Seremban born and raised and Hakka speaking hub in anything remotely red, even if I bought it for him! In fact except for CNY (where he politely just keeps mum) he doesn't even like ME to wear red. The only one who wears red at CNY is the Rockstar :D to please grandparents and because they taught him in school (along with the animals of the Chinese zodiac)!

    1. :)) The hubs knows resistance is futile. My nagging and (and subsequent) pouting can be quite the annoying.
      p.s. the mango sashimi maki thing is just one of those 'modern rolls' that I so love - you know, like the California rolls and spicy tuna rolls?

  3. HUASAI xDDD So red ohh ;) Btw , i look bad here .____.
