Thursday, September 23, 2010

Turning 31

Okie. I really need to climb out of my sad hole of self pity and get moving again. And paopei's been nagging me to blog about Mi's trip. So, here's a start.

3 weeks ago, I celebrated turning 31. The thing is, ten years ago, I never would've imagined life to be the way it is now. Heck, even a mere five years ago, if you'd ask me where I see myself at 31, the answer would have been so vastly different from what I find myself going through right now.

See, at that time, I imagined myself to spend most of my life as a corporate slave. I was quite proud and happy to be working my way up the ladder, and thinking of myself as this ass-kicking career woman type. I could have gone on for quite a bit, but a wanderlust took hold of me, and transported me into this life I never would've imagined myself living in a million years.

Married. Unemployed. Going back to school. Living in Europe. New friends. Far away from family and loved ones... Strange how things turn out, huh?

But most importantly, no matter how much my life and circumstances have changed, I'm glad that the most crucial thing to my well-being stays the same: to love and be loved, always.

So, without further ado and inane ramblings of shouldas, wouldas and couldas, here's some photos of my very super surprise birthday party at Mahi Restaurant that Super Boo planned all by himself, surrounding me with all the love that I love.

Arriving to what was supposed to be a quiet dinner with mummy and Kesh.

I am so captivating like that. ;p

My very lovely dinner dates who covered up the surprise very well.

Makan time!

The very terrific, specially designed mushroom menu, 
cos mushrooms are in season now and because I love mushrooms madly.
I heart my Super Boo Chef.

Present time! 

And more presents! 

Cake time. And Super Boo could finally join us after his service. 

THE most amazing cake EVER. Super Boo Chef made 3.
I want one now!

Happy oh!


  1. everything looks good, n you look glam. looks like a perfect birthday!

  2. SUANNNNN! hello there fit girl! :)

    aunty terri: yeah it was :) perfect! now if I can get everyday to be exactly like dat *greedy*

  3. happy belated birthday, beautiful heather! u're so blessed to have such a loving Super Boo! :P when i was in europe, i had occasional daydreams about marrying some dreamy hunky charming european man and walking my toddler down cobblestone-laid streets (better not let mum read this)...haha. you are living my dream! :P

  4. Hey, I m so shocked! U're 31 ??????? All the while I tot you're only , like 25 the most!
    Happy B-lated birthday

  5. Yi: Hahahaha! Nonsense! :) You'll be living THE dream of dreams soon - super beautiful high flying high paid high achiever architect. At that time, u better come visit, k!? :)

    Denise: Awww, that's the sweetest compliment ever! thank u! :)
